Posts by Topic
- Front End Development
- Reviews
- Tutorials
- Scss/Sass/CSS
- Javascript
- Emulation
- Task Managers
- Codekit
- User Experience
- typography
- Image Editing
- Image Compression / Video Compression
- Audio / Recording
- Mac Pro
- Blog Updates
Front End Development
- The brute force Drupal 9 content query (2023-01-31)
- Reclaiming storage/space from 'System Data' in macOS: A tutorial on understanding the System Data usage. (2022-04-10)
- Gulp 4.x and .Kit work flow (2021-03-11)
- Can't beat 'em join em. (2020-03-11)
- Thinking about Gutenberg and Web Components (2020-02-20)
- Nova Beta 7 Impressions (2020-01-29)
- Visual CSS Regression with Backstop JS (2019-10-14)
- Git Hotfix workflow for (2019-08-26)
- 12 weeks with Figma: A review from a developer (2019-04-25)
- Testing accessiblity with the CERN WorldWideBrowser (2019-02-19)
- Drawing an SVG line between multiple DOM objects (2018-10-16)
- Animating SVG path d attribute in late 2018 (2018-10-10)
- Removing inline Transforms from an SVG while preserving point positions and/or Install Inkscape Plugins on macOS (2018-10-03)
- Safari's Autofill needs to be redesigned (2018-01-08)
- Setting up a Bootstrap subtheme for Drupal 8 (2017-11-01)
- Goodbye FireBug (2017-10-23)
- Creating an SVG Fill animation (2017-10-10)
- Simple GUI for an image conversion script on OS X (2017-08-17)
- Squeezer - A review (2017-05-23)
- Simple Sass Mixin For Color Theming (2017-05-14)
- Thoughts on Front End Development 2017 Q1 (2017-05-10)
- Testing Guetzli (2017-04-06)
- Photoshop Favicon Creator Action for the Obsessive (2017-02-15)
- 9 Weeks with CodeKit 3 - A Review (2016-12-20)
- In 2016, Browser plugins tap into journalism (2016-12-19)
- Using Modernizr to detect IE versions (2016-11-30)
- I hate nouns instead of version numbers for OSes (2016-10-19)
- Thoughts on Front End Development in late 2016 (2016-09-19)
- Introducing (2016-07-22)
- Setting up Operator Mono in Coda (2016-05-04)
- Exploring and Developing for the PS4 browser (2016-04-07)
- Grabbing the latest blog post from Jekyll using PHP (2016-02-29)
- Setting up Operator Mono for Atom (2016-02-25)
- Starting my first app… (2016-02-11)
- Packery gap fix (2016-01-19)
- A quick front end horror story (2015-12-15)
- And why its hard to find front end developers… (2015-11-11)
- Defeating CSS injection from local to a remote server with BrowserSync with large blunt stick (2015-10-12)
- Share a Coke with Explorer (2015-09-12)
- Creating HTML5 Friendly web ogg theora on OS X (2015-08-31)
- Prepros 5 Review, 2500 more words on precompilers (2015-08-24)
- Sass Media Queries for Bootstrap 3.x (2015-07-16)
- Front End Workflow 2015 Edition (2015-07-14)
- Quick Guide to using FireFox Developer Edition to Remote Debugging/Inspect Element on iOS (2015-06-23)
- One week with Pixate Studio A review (2015-06-20)
- Libsass vs Sass Benchmark (2015-06-12)
- Dear Web Developers Stop Assuming Chrome Has Flash (2015-06-07)
- boilerplate for grunt (2015-06-01)
- My (unofficial) Boilerplate Grunt.js (2015-05-28)
- Improving Chrome’s Battery Performance (2015-05-21)
- A Front Ender’s Guide to Getting Started on Mobile Web Development Using Simulators/Emulators (2015-04-12)
- Amazingly Bad Developer Job Posting (2015-03-16)
- Opera Blog vs Typography on the Web (2015-03-03)
- The wrong yardstick… (mobile IE11 still needs help) (2015-02-26)
- Installing PhantomCSS from scratch on OS X, an adventure in CSS Visual Regression Testing (2015-02-24)
- A lot of programming skill (2015-02-10)
- Intelligent Word Breaks (2015-02-09)
- 9 months with Codekit - A Codekit 2 Review (2015-01-11)
- Speed up virtual machines in VMware (2014-12-02)
- Tumblr likes vs Page Views (2014-11-20)
- 64 Bit Google Chrome Available Today (2014-11-19)
- The 4k buzzword and what it means for the web... (2014-09-30)
- Susy - Undefined mixin ‘span-columns' (2014-09-15)
- Wurfl + Modernizer for HTML5 background video (2014-09-03)
- Generate your own Susy grid with simple for loops (2014-08-11)
- Resolving CodeKit’s “Compass was unable to compile one or more files in the project” error (2014-08-04)
- Having trouble installing Susy Grids? The n00b (newbie) guide to installing Susy Grids on OS X (2014-07-26)
- Favicon overkill… (2014-06-13)
- The life of a Front End Developer (2014-05-15)
- coding is a perceptual state of 'What?'' (2014-05-15)
- Avoiding Burnout (2014-05-12)
- AlphaPixels Prepros 4 App Review (2014-03-10)
- Finding the most reliable and fast public CDNs (2013-12-10)
- Something might be wrong… (2013-11-25)
- Responsive HTML E-mails? (2013-11-11)
- H264 now officially part of Mozilla (2013-11-01)
- Rockstar is an adjective that should be avoided... (2013-09-29)
- Pace - Automatic Page Load Progress Bar (2013-09-27)
- Super Scroll Orama - JQuery Parallex Plugin (2013-09-26)
- Making that perfect lightweight CSS framework (2013-09-17)
- Srcset, your new friend (2013-08-26)
- NProgress.js - A slim progress bar JS (2013-08-21)
- JQuery Knobs (2013-08-16)
- TimeLine JS = beauty (2013-08-13)
- HTML5 + JS Fullscreen (2013-07-16)
- Resources for Mac and iOS Developers... (2013-07-07)
- Beats PowerBeats Pro Impressions (2020-01-09)
- 12 weeks with Figma: A review from a developer (2019-04-25)
- Lab Rats: How Silicon Valley Made Work Miserable for the Rest of Us by Dan Lyons - A book review (2019-01-09)
- Squeezer - A review (2017-05-23)
- 9 Weeks with CodeKit 3 - A Review (2016-12-20)
- Gifbrewery 3 - Mini Review (2016-09-06)
- Three months of BackBlaze - A Review (2016-08-15)
- A week with the Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 - a review (2016-06-16)
- Prepros 5 Review, 2500 more words on precompilers (2015-08-24)
- One week with Pixate Studio A review (2015-06-20)
- ColorSnapper Review - The $5 utility that every interface designer - web designer should have (2015-01-29)
- 9 months with Codekit - A Codekit 2 Review (2015-01-11)
- CinemaGraph Pro Review (2014-12-19)
- AlphaPixels Prepros 4 App Review (2014-03-10)
- Tublme, an OS X Tumblr Client Review (2014-01-28)
- Photosweeper (OS X) Review (2014-01-27)
- ColorSnapper Review - The $5 utility that every interface designer - web designer should have (2013-12-02)
- The 4 iOS camera apps worth paying money for (2013-09-13)
- M-Audio Keystation Mini 32 vs The Korg MicroKey 37 (2013-08-28)
- M-Audio Keystation Mini 32 vs The Korg MicroKey 37 (2013-08-25)
- Monoprice 8323 Review (2013-08-18)
- Gif Brewery - A Mini-Review (2013-05-03)
- Setting up a Synology VPN for your Mac (2025-03-19)
- Running macOS using Docker... on a Synology Nas (2025-02-27)
- Fixing Phoronix Test Suite for Apple Silicon (2024-11-25)
- Half-Life and it's failed OS 9 port (2024-06-25)
- What the Hell is a Neural Engine? (2024-06-24)
- Become an art legend with your Mac, iPad or iPhone (2024-03-30)
- Sonoma Wallpaper Downloader (2024-02-03)
- Install your Windows Steam games on Apple Silicon Macs Using Whisky (A free GPTK Front-End), a tutorial (2024-01-31)
- The brute force Drupal 9 content query (2023-01-31)
- The Definitive Mac Pro 2019 7,1 Upgrade Guide (2021-12-19)
- How to use Zoom with external web cams, iPhones / Android Phone and/or Snap Camera on MacOS (2020-05-13)
- Diskwarrior: 'Directory must be rebuilt from a recovery disk because of MacOS security restrictions' error and fix (2020-01-23)
- The Mac Pro Buyers Upgrade mini-guide (2019-10-30)
- How to import Feedly feeds into NetNewsWire (2019-08-30)
- How to use CSS media queries for dark mode! (2018-12-14)
- Drawing an SVG line between multiple DOM objects (2018-10-16)
- Animating SVG path d attribute in late 2018 (2018-10-10)
- Removing inline Transforms from an SVG while preserving point positions and/or Install Inkscape Plugins on macOS (2018-10-03)
- Setting up a Bootstrap subtheme for Drupal 8 (2017-11-01)
- Installing PPSSPP on iOS 11 without a jailbreak (2017-10-16)
- Creating an SVG Fill animation (2017-10-10)
- Simple Sass Mixin For Color Theming (2017-05-14)
- Messages not delivered error fix (2016-03-02)
- Moving Lightroom Photos/Libraries to another volume (2016-02-11)
- OS X Update Needed Login El Capitan - How to Fix (2015-11-01)
- Thanks for the Korg NK2 setup (2015-02-15)
- How to fix Far Cry 4 Common Glitches - Black Screen - Uplay stopped working - Save Game will not save (2014-12-15)
- Adding Ringtones - text tones to - iOS using iFile (2014-12-12)
- Speed up virtual machines in VMware (2014-12-02)
- Recommended Mac Pro upgrades & hacks (2014-10-12)
- Making fatter drums 101 (2014-03-31)
- How to Set-Up A Korg NanoKontrol 2 with Cubase (2013-08-23)
- Simple Sass Mixin For Color Theming (2017-05-14)
- Sass Media Queries for Bootstrap 3.x (2015-07-16)
- Libsass vs Sass Benchmark (2015-06-12)
- boilerplate for grunt (2015-06-01)
- My (unofficial) Boilerplate Grunt.js (2015-05-28)
- Intelligent Word Breaks (2015-02-09)
- 9 months with Codekit - A Codekit 2 Review (2015-01-11)
- Susy - Undefined mixin ‘span-columns' (2014-09-15)
- Generate your own Susy grid with simple for loops (2014-08-11)
- Having trouble installing Susy Grids? The n00b (newbie) guide to installing Susy Grids on OS X (2014-07-26)
- Making that perfect lightweight CSS framework (2013-09-17)
- Making the cite tag sane: Announcing WebCites (2018-12-17)
- Making the cite tag sane (2018-12-14)
- Drawing an SVG line between multiple DOM objects (2018-10-16)
- Animating SVG path d attribute in late 2018 (2018-10-10)
- Pace - Automatic Page Load Progress Bar (2013-09-27)
- Super Scroll Orama - JQuery Parallex Plugin (2013-09-26)
- NProgress.js - A slim progress bar JS (2013-08-21)
- JQuery Knobs (2013-08-16)
- TimeLine JS = beauty (2013-08-13)
- HTML5 + JS Fullscreen (2013-07-16)
- The Definitive Guide to iOS emulation (2025-03-18)
- Play Dune 2, Command and Conquer: Tiberian Dawn, Dune 2000, and Command and Conquer: Red Alert on macOS (2024-08-21)
- Mac MAME Arcade emulation & NeoGeo using OpenEMU and SDLMame for Apple Silicon or Intel Native. (2021-09-24)
- Installing PPSSPP on iOS 11 without a jailbreak (2017-10-16)
- OpenEMU 2.0.1 Import Fix (2015-12-31)
Task Manager
- Squeezer - A review (2017-05-23)
- 9 Weeks with CodeKit 3 - A Review (2016-12-20)
- Defeating CSS injection from local to a remote server with BrowserSync with large blunt stick (2015-10-12)
- Prepros 5 Review, 2500 more words on precompilers (2015-08-24)
- Libsass vs Sass Benchmark (2015-06-12)
- boilerplate for grunt (2015-06-01)
- My (unofficial) Boilerplate Grunt.js (2015-05-28)
- 9 months with Codekit - A Codekit 2 Review (2015-01-11)
- Resolving CodeKit’s “Compass was unable to compile one or more files in the project” error (2014-08-04)
- AlphaPixels Prepros 4 App Review (2014-03-10)
- 9 Weeks with CodeKit 3 - A Review (2016-12-20)
- 9 months with Codekit - A Codekit 2 Review (2015-01-11)
- Resolving CodeKit’s “Compass was unable to compile one or more files in the project” error (2014-08-04)
- AlphaPixels Prepros 4 App Review (2014-03-10)
User Experience
- One week with Pixate Studio A review (2015-06-20)
- Give me that Landscape... (2013-07-23)
- Responding to iOS 7 (2013-07-10)
- Setting up Operator Mono in Coda (2016-05-04)
- Setting up Operator Mono for Atom (2016-02-25)
- Opera Blog vs Typography on the Web (2015-03-03)
Image Editing
- Drawing an SVG line between multiple DOM objects (2018-10-16)
- Animating SVG path d attribute in late 2018 (2018-10-10)
- Removing inline Transforms from an SVG while preserving point positions and/or Install Inkscape Plugins on macOS (2018-10-03)
- Creating an SVG Fill animation (2017-10-10)
- Simple GUI for an image conversion script on OS X (2017-08-17)
- Testing Guetzli (2017-04-06)
- Photoshop Favicon Creator Action for the Obsessive (2017-02-15)
- Gifbrewery 3 - Mini Review (2016-09-06)
- Introducing (2016-07-22)
- Moving Lightroom Photos/Libraries to another volume (2016-02-11)
- ColorSnapper Review - The $5 utility that every interface designer - web designer should have (2015-01-29)
- CinemaGraph Pro Review (2014-12-19)
- Gif Brewery - A Mini-Review (2013-05-03)
Image Compression / Video Compression
- Simple GUI for an image conversion script on OS X (2017-08-17)
- Testing Guetzli (2017-04-06)
- Creating HTML5 Friendly web ogg theora on OS X (2015-08-31)
- Playing and Converting .MXF on OS X (2015-07-21)
- Resolving Adobe After Effects “Quicktime is not installed on this system, some components will not work correctly” (2015-03-15)
- Wurfl + Modernizer for HTML5 background video (2014-09-03)
- Beats PowerBeats Pro Impressions (2020-01-09)
- Cubase - Error Changing permissions when Installing (for any version of Cubase, Cubase Artist, Cubase Essentials) Fix (2018-04-15)
- Audio Bit Rate Calculator (2017-04-14)
- A week with the Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 - a review (2016-06-16)
- Setting Up Focusrite Scarlet on OS X Cubase fix (2016-06-11)
- Maschine hangs or crashes on Loading GUI fix (2016-05-05)
- Forcing Mono Audio on OS X (Fix bad youtube audio) (2016-01-12)
- Thanks for the Korg NK2 setup (2015-02-15)
- Cubase 7.5 video service is currently unresponsive (2014-09-10)
- The 30 GB iPod Classic that grew up to 64 GB (2014-08-14)
- Making fatter drums 101 (2014-03-31)
- Understanding Recycle vs Time Stretch (2014-02-07)
- M-Audio Keystation Mini 32 vs The Korg MicroKey 37 (2013-08-28)
- M-Audio Keystation Mini 32 vs The Korg MicroKey 37 (2013-08-25)
- How to Set-Up A Korg NanoKontrol 2 with Cubase (2013-08-23)
- Why I sold my Novation Lauchpad and Akia APC-40 (2013-08-21)
- Monoprice 8323 Review (2013-08-18)
Mac Pro
- The Definitive Mac Pro 2019 7,1 Upgrade Guide (2021-12-19)
- The end of the classic Mac Pro (2021-07-11)
- iOSification of features for macOS (2021-06-11)
- An (albeit flawed) counterpoint to the M1 (2021-05-23)
- AmorphousDiskMark is CrystalDiskMark for macOS; lets all stop using BlackMagic Disk Speed Test and AJA Disk Test (2021-03-25)
- Oculus Quest 2 vs classic Mac Pro 5,1 (2010/2012) (2021-03-08)
- Apple 2020 Report card (2021-02-01)
- CyberPunk 2077 is now playable on a classic Mac Pro (2020-12-20)
- Life with the MacBook Air M1 from a web developer (2020-12-13)
- More questions than answers: x86 -> ARM (2020-06-24)
- The Mac Pro Buyers Upgrade mini-guide (2019-10-30)
- The Return: Mac Pro 2019 (2019-06-03)
- The Mac Pro should be the most boring Mac. (2019-02-21)
- the iMac hasn't been updated for 602 days (2019-01-29)
- Year of the Mac Pro? (2019-01-24)
- Download old version of macOS / OS X (2018-05-11)
- On the subject of the Mac Pro 2019... (2018-04-06)
- New Old Beginning (2018-03-06)
- The Mac Pro is Dead, Long Live the Mac Pro! (2017-04-04)
- The Mac Pro that wasn't (2016-12-19)
- The Courage of living in a gated community (2016-09-13)
- MacObserver "The 'New' Mac Pro is a failure" (2015-11-23)
- New Mac Pro speculation- Still a trashcan (2015-11-03)
- question-about-installing-geforce (2015-09-01)
- Recommended Mac Pro upgrades & hacks (2014-10-12)
- Future is a gated community (2013-09-10)
- 12 Core Xeons, 30 Megs of L3 and the Mac Pro (2013-08-15)
Jekyll / This blog
- Winning the war on Spam bots through stupidity (2024-08-14)
- Blogging in the age of AI (2024-07-22)
- House keeping a blog, a decade later (2024-07-15)
- Blog Upgrade (2020-12-10)
- Under-the-hood blog updates (2019-09-04)
- RSS feed is fixed (2019-08-30)
- Printable blog posts (2019-08-25)
- A quick blog update - coming soon book reviews (2019-01-09)
- Five years and change (2018-10-18)
- Rise of the backlink spammers (2018-04-10)
- Added HTTPS for Inaudible Discussion (2018-04-09)
- A mild blog update (2017-11-06)
- Good things ahead... (2016-02-24)
- Things to come (2016-02-17)
- Tumblr likes vs Page Views (2014-11-20)
- A mild change... (2013-11-22)