Amazingly Bad Developer Job Posting

Earlier today, a blog post entitled, “How not to advertise in London…” began making the rounds on Hacker News. I have a feeling that eventually the linked job posting will be pulled from Google Drive so I’ve taken the liberty of screen capturing it for your viewing pleasure. The tweets have already been deleted so its unlikely the job posting will stay.
All credit goes to for this find.
Where to even begin?
There’s too many questionable requests: Age, implied sex (Dude can be used for women but its unlikely in this circumstance), 20+ years of programming for someone in their 30s, implying hours well beyond the UK and US’s regular work week, requiring ALL past portfolios, access applicant’s social media, required “hackathons”, impossible career goals (Change the world?) and the simply bizarre like wearing headphones.
This job post reads more like satire as it encompasses everything wrong in the tech industry: Ageism, implicit sexism, long work weeks, unabated and unwarranted self importance.
The best programmers I know are 40+, though reading this posting, I imagine though in Career Harbour, anyone above 30 would be a babysitter.