Your privacy matters to me.

I do not need nor do I want to know anything personal about you. This web does not collect any personally identifiable information. I do not share any data about my blog with anyone. The only analytics software this website uses is Google Analytics.

I am a fan of the GDPR, and I strongly dislike javascript bloat and tracking. Thus, I tried to select the least evil option. This presents me (and only me) a way to gauge performance, what's resonating with readers, where my traffic is coming from, and how I'm doing compared to myself in previous months/years

This blog is 100% advertisement-free and sponsor-free. I try to avoid unnecessary iframes to prevent unnecessary data leakage, although I may embed a video from Vimeo, YouTube, or a news organization (PBS/CBC, etc.) and CodePen. I do not care if you use popular privacy plugins, and in fact, I encourage you to do so. If you're so inclined to trust this site in Ghostery, it's a kind gesture but also not required. In my view, privacy is a right. Thanks for reading!