Over the break, I went on a binge of minor changes to this blog.

  • The privacy policy and contact now exist on their own pages. Google supposably prefers this. Before both items existed on the about page.
  • This blog now supports a JSON Feed, looked at Apple News but screwed up the process for importing my RSS feed. May revisit that later but with the low traffic most of this blog sees, not really worth the effort.
  • Improved the JS. To reduce requests, I've concatted four JS files into one. I upgraded jQuery 1.12 to 3.x as it is faster and smaller, and its no longer hosted on a CDN.
  • Fixed the canonical URL declaration in the head.
  • Removed a few errant CSS classes, now this serves an absurdly low 2.9k of CSS down from roughly 3k.

Sometimes I think the lack of visual flourish is mistaken for a lack of design but I like minimalism.