A lot of programming skill
One of the toughest things to do when I’m teaching Processing is convincing the students who “just don’t get it ” to stick it out a little longer and persist in their efforts. I don’t expect all of my art students to become professional programmers. In fact I’m not sure if I have the mettle to do that myself. I do think that one of the many values of programming is that it “isn’t easy” and direct experience can cure the false perception.
(via notational)
I don’t think I’ve ever had an “A-ha!” moment where everything fell into place, rather when I look back, its a stack of minor victories. Its easy to downplay success as its so incremental, then I have to ask, “Where was I last year at this time?” That’s when things are really put into perspective. It’s only then that string of small victories turns into sizable accomplishments.
(via notational)