CodeKit - Error - File to import not found or unreadable
Seeing a message that reads something like the following?:
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: normalize-version.
Load paths:
on line 10 of /yourpath/to/yourstyles.scss
Use --trace for backtrace.
Usually you’ll encounter this from a gem installed library, my current example I’m using Compass Normalize.css, which requires Compass. There’s quite a few globs out there that require Compass to run that aren’t bundled as bower components but rather Ruby gems.
First make sure your have compass installed on your Codekit project, you can see this in your project list.
If you do not see Compass listed, right click on your project and select "Edit Project Settings" on your project in question. Scroll down to the Frameworks and click “Install Compass”, make sure your paths are accurate before proceeding.
If you’re still seeing problems, you may need to swap your Sass compiler.
Happy Coding!