I sat down today and listened to Trevor Noah's interview with TheBlaze pundit Tomi Lahren and held off reading reactions until tonight, The Atlanic.com almost verbatim matched my reaction on Facebook. "He's finding his voice." Trevor doesn't score any KOs but does try to pin down Tomi to explain what sort of protesting she'd find acceptable to only have her evade, and evade more, and manages to get in a few humorous jabs. There's the same visible tension that's reminiscent of Bill O' Reilly and John Stewart whenever they shared a screen.

One of Trevor's quirks, his inability to get worked up or as emotionally invested as John Stewart suddenly becomes part of his appeal. If Stewart's cross to be bear was the from frustration from the stupidity of the Bush Jr era, Noah's looks to be the exasperation from the intolerance of the Trump era.

As a long time Daily Show fan, I've found myself rather taken with Samantha Bee's aggressive punk-rock zero-tolerance for ignorance which has Stewart-like quality. That said, I'm rooting for Trevor as he has the biggest shoes in entertainment to follow. I look forward to seeing where Noah goes from here.