Marco Rubio leads the charge to ban states rights from protecting consumer privacy
"Any national privacy law must provide clear, consistent protections that both consumers and companies can understand, and the FTC can enforce. That is why my bill leans heavily on the Privacy Act framework," Rubio wrote.
Rubio's bill would have the FTC establish a process in which individuals can contact companies to request access to their personal data. Companies would have to either provide the data to consumers or delete the data. If a company lets an individual view the data, the company would have to correct any mistakes if the person demonstrates that the records are "not accurate, relevant, timely, or complete." Companies would only have to delete the data if they choose not to provide it to consumers upon consumers' requests.
-- Jon Brodkin, Sen. Marco Rubio wants to ban states from protecting consumer privacy, Ars Technica,
This isn't even a "protection", as it's often unclear who even has your personal information and places all the onerous labor on the consumer. Deleting the data just means the company has to re-collect the information.
This is on the heels of Tim Cook's call for comprehensive US privacy laws and Motherboard's bombshell, U.S. Carriers Are Selling Customers’ Real-Time Location Data . We've seen time and time again how callous and morally bankrupt companies can be when it comes to selling personal information time and time again. There shouldn't even be an argument, there's clearly a need for privacy protection... and yet here we are, in the midst of a Kakistocracy. For those keeping score, congress voted in 2017 for a rule to remove a FCC privacy rule, and The Verge compiled a list fo the 265 members of Congress and how much it cost to buy them off. All were Republicans.
On the other side of the isle, Oregon's own Senator Ron Wyden has proposed a privacy law send company execs to prison for 20 years.
Anyone who gives one royal damn about internet privacy should best review the sharp divide among party lines, such as the fight over municipal broadband. If there's one thing that's been apparent when it comes to digital rights advocacy, you can count on the Republicans to oppose it.